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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Natural Cancer Treatments in the News

While medical advances are being made, it seems, almost daily, investigation in natural treatments for cancer is growing too!  These treatments aren't backed (yet) by clinical trials, multi-billion dollar pharma companies, or the majority of Drs but they're gaining recognition.

And by treatment, I don't mean a 'guarantee to cure to eliminate' your cancer.  While some natural treatments are in fact being looked at as cures (and have reportedly worked for some), many more can supplement your medical treatments, speeding the recovery, or at least improving the quality of life during the treatment.

Here are some of the latest I've noticed, and before you write them off as "quackery", remember that treating cancerous organs rather than cutting them out was once considered ludicrous too.


Article: For Prostate Cancer, Referral-Based Exercise Program Beneficial:

For men with prostate cancer, clinician referral to and participation in an exercise program has a positive impact on mental health, according to a study published in Cancer.
Article: For Prostate Cancer, Referral-Based Exercise Program Beneficial:

For men with prostate cancer, clinician referral to and participation in an exercise program has a positive impact on mental health, according to a study published in Cancer.

Article: Walking improves health outcomes for prostate cancer survivors

"... according to new research, something as simple as walking three hours per week can make a significant difference."

Article: Swedish study explains coffee cancer link

"The caffeine turns off the signal paths to breast cancer cells. This results in slower cell proliferation and increased cell death," said Ann Rosendahl, a researcher at Lund University and co-author of the recent report detailing how coffee protects against breast cancer recurrence.

The report has just been published in the medical journal Clinical Cancer Research.

Natural Supplements:

Article: Mistletoe: The holiday plant is making headlines as an alternative cancer treatment

An oncologist at Johns Hopkins successfully treated a patient who had advanced colon cancer with an extract of the seasonal botanical, sparking interest in the plant's anticancer properties.

Article: Vitamin D and prostate cancer: Higher intake improves active surveillance outcomes

The group concluded that men with low-risk prostate cancer who are undergoing active surveillance might derive benefit from taking 4,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day, without experiencing side effects from the treatment. A randomized trial is currently underway to further explore these observations. Hollis said that vitamin D is now widely used in the urology service at the Medical University of South Carolina, demonstrating how the studies have impacted clinical practice

Article: Vitamin D May Keep the Lid on Prostate Cancer

Some men diagnosed with low-grade prostate cancer may be able to keep it from progressing by taking extra vitamin D.

Article: Vitamin D can boost the immune system against colorectal cancer

The research, published in the journal Gut (2015; doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2014-308852), represents the first time that a link between vitamin D and the immune response to cancer has been shown in a large human population.

Article: Artificial Sweetener Saccharin Shows Promise In Cancer Treatment

You may have heard whispers that the artificial sweetener saccharin (commonly known as Sweet‘N Low) is a carcinogen. But according to a new study presented today at the 249th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society, it could actually be useful in developing treatments for aggressive cancers by deactivating a protein found to facilitate the spread of cancer

Article: 20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure Cancer

Below are 20 medical studies that suggest cannabis can be an effective treatment and possible cure for cancer. This is a good starting point for the push for further human clinical trials.

If you've noticed an article or study that you'd feel would help others, please fell free to post it here!

Be Blessed,

Disclaimer:  This information is based on links to content I do not own, but have posted to help bring attention to, in order to broaden people's thinking about how to deal with the condition of cancer.

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