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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My Prostate Cancer story

My name is Tom Sexton, and this is my story of being diagnosed with, and how I’m dealing with, Prostate Cancer. I've always been relatively healthy, working out fairly often, but not consistently, not eating "too" badly, and occasionally taking my vitamins. On August 8th, 2014 I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, (adenocarcinoma).

I hope that my experience can benefit, and maybe even inspire others to put your faith in God and what your body can achieve naturally.  Genesis 1:27 says "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them".  This scripture strengthens my belief that cancer is a condition that man has brought upon himself, and that our bodies, if allowed and assisted can actually repair themselves.

I am BEATING Prostate Cancer with faith and a lifestyle change, not surviving an organ removal, radiation, or some other form of medical treatment until the cancer comes back!! By changing my lifestyle, I plan to permanently remove Prostate Cancer from my list of concerns.

If you're wondering what caused me to take my Prostate Cancer treatment "into my own hands", here were some of my findings on the long term survival rate of prostate cancer patients:

Per WebMD:
Nearly 100% of men with low- to intermediate-grade prostate cancer ( the most common types) can expect to live at least five years after the initial diagnosis. According to the American Cancer Society, 91% of men diagnosed with prostate cancer survive at least 10 years and 76% survive 15 years. Since many men who get prostate cancer are already elderly, they are more likely to die from causes other than the cancer.
More than 90% of the time prostate cancer is discovered while it is either confined to the prostate gland or has spread beyond the prostate only to a small degree, referred to as regional spread.
Among the less than 10% of men whose prostate cancers have already spread to distant parts of the body at the time of diagnosis, about 31% are expected to survive at least five years.

My key takeaway here was the lack of a "survival rate" in these statistics. Of course, the "can expect to live at least 5 years after the initial diagnosis" didn't exactly give me a warm fuzzy feeling either.

A search for 'mortality rates for prostate cancer' finds the following on, dated 1/30/2015.
According to the most recent data, when including all stages of prostate cancer:
  • The relative 5-year survival rate is almost 100%
  • The relative 10-year survival rate is 99%
  • The 15-year relative survival rate is 94%
I'm currently 47, with a 5 year old son that I'd like to grow up with (no comments from the peanut gallery), and a wife that I'd like to spend a LOT more time with.  These statistics didn't provide the solution I was looking for.

My History

My PSA has been in the 2's for several years (see pic below), but had jumped up to 4.07 on May 20. 2014, so we did a biopsy. On Oct 10, my PSA reading was 4.29. My biopsy included 12 cores, and revealed that my cancer is rated T1C, with a Gleason Score of (3+3=6) with 6 cores containing cancer. 

The cores were as follows:

Left side:
90%, 40%, 30%, 5%

Right side:
5%, 5%

My urologist indicated that it was a low grade, non-aggressive cancer, so I had some time to think about solutions, although he immediately recommended a radical prostatectomy (Da Vinci method), as I am young and would recover quickly, and “most likely” not have any side effects.
Although I've spoken with several people who are happy with the results of the Da Vinci surgery, I wasn't comfortable with the potential side effects (incontinence and impotence). I investigated many other recommended "solutions" (radiation, seeds, ablation, etc) also and still wasn't happy with the potential side effects.

I was also concerned that my Dr's way of determining whether the cancer had metastasized (ie spread) was to judge the "stickiness" of the nerve bundles as the surgeon pulled the nerves away from the prostate during the procedure. On that note, I got him to agree to prescribe a DCE-MRI (Digital Contrast Enhanced MRI). The MRI reading indicated that the cancer was local to the prostate.

I did a lot of research, and soon discovered that a growing community of folks believe, and have demonstrated that the body can heal itself, including cancer, if it's given the right assistance and conditions.

My wife and I had recently started using Essential Oils, and I learned that Frankincense and Myrrh are natural cancer fighters. About that time, I started supplementing my diet with external applications and internal consumptions of Frankincense, Myrrh, Wild Orange, and Grapefruit Oils.

My treatment for Prostate Cancer has been as follows:
  • Fervent daily prayer for healing!
  • In the morning with a small glass of the shake mentioned below:
    4 drops of each: Frankincense, Myrrh, Grapefruit and Wild Orange Essential Oils.
    I plan to cut back to 2 drops once I've determined that the cancer is gone.
  • With each meal:  (all Vitamins from Nutrilite) Multivitamin + Omega3 supplement + Calcium + Vitamin D + Saw Palmetto + encapsulated EOs (Frankincense, Wild Orange, Lemongrass, Thyme + some others)
  • Right before bedtime in a glass of juice:
    4 drops of each: Frankincense, Myrrh, Grapefruit and Wild Orange Essential Oils.
    I plan to cut back to 2 drops once I've determined that the cancer is gone.
  • Strenuous exercise 4-5 times a week
  • After exercising, I consume a protein shake including Nutrilite Chocolate Protein powder, 1 Clementine orange, 1 banana, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 1/2 cup strawberries, 1 XS Strawberry +  Burn energy drink  + a handful of spinach leaves + a handful of kale leaves.

During the first several months I also consumed Haelan 951 daily for about a month.  I'd take 4 ounces twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. This juice provides 5 anti-cancer compounds (Isoflavones, Protease Inhibitors, Saponins, Phytosterols, and Phytic Acid) that I feel are helping my body.

What I haven't done:
  • Totally cut out sugar. I do limit my sweets, but have not cut back on natural sugar from fruits.
  • Totally cut out red meat. I occasionally have red meat, including the occasional juicy steak.
  • Totally cut out alcohol. I like a glass of red wine occasionally, and according to some research, the resveratrol is actually healthy.
  • I didn't make drastic dietary changes, but did cut back on Diet Cokes.
I'm now in much better shape than I've ever been, I feel great and have lots of energy, and as of Feb 17th, my PSA has dropped to 1.68!

My PSA history is as follows:
2007:  2.55
2009:  3.1
2010 : 2.4
2011:  2.68 (this is where it started creeping up)
2012:  3.8 in Jan, 2.5 in Oct
2013:  2.86 in May, 3.8 in Nov
2014:  4.07 in May, (this lead to biopsy in Aug, which confirmed the cancer)
2014:  4.29 in Oct

2015:  Feb 17th    1.68!!!
2015:  Jun             2.11
2015:  Oct             1.72

The 4.07 in 2014 is barely above the "acceptable" range for my age group, but the gradual climb since 2013 prompted my Urologist to recommend the biopsy.  And I'm glad he did!

My next PSA test is in April, with a Dr visit afterwards to discuss the findings.  
I'm not claiming that any one of these things will "cure" cancer, but as I've read in many other cases, it's my belief that changing your lifestyle can allow your body to cure itself, and return to the way that God designed us (Genesis 1:27) [ ... in His own image].

I urge you to pray hard to see what God wants you to do, do your own research (contact me if you like at ), and know that there is growing evidence that the side effects of modern medicine and procedures can be totally avoided.

DISCLAIMER:  None of the information provided here is meant to be medical advice.  I've documented other sources of information that I've found, and my direct experiences, but do NOT guarantee that what I've accomplished will work for you.


  1. Can you be more specific about which oils you take encapsulated at meal times? You mentioned "+ others". Also, do you plan on doing another biopsy to see how your cancer is doing since you have lowered your PSA?

  2. Can you be more specific about which essential oils you are taking encapsulated at meal times? You mentioned "+ others". Also, are you planning on getting another biopsy in the near future to see how your cancer is doing since you have been able to lower your PSA to a normal level? Thank you!

  3. Hi Margaret,

    The complete list is Frankincense Resin, Wild Orange Peel, Lemongrass
    Leaf, Thyme Plant, Clove Bud, Summer Savory
    Plant, and Niaouli Leaf essential oils.

    My next PSA test is later this month, and my next MRI will be in June (to compare to the June 2015) MRI. The results from my December, 2015 biopsy are posted in the blog.

    The manufacturer doesn't want the product name mentioned on my site, as I have indicated success in beating my prostate cancer (FDA Nazis strike again), but send me an email ( if you want the product name and a link to the data sheet.

    I've also recently changed my routine, to more specifically target the prostate cancer (vs cancer in general). I intend to publish a new blog entry later today.

    Be blessed,

  4. Hello, Tom! I have a question - are you taking these oils in a pill or just adding drops in a glass of water? Do you think they can be taken internal without capsules? Thank You!

    1. Hi Dace,
      For roughly the first 14 months or so, I would just add drops to water or some flavor of juice.

      Lately though I've been creating gelcaps and taking them, instead of drinking the oils. It's not be cause of any problem I've been having, but because I read somewhere (can't find it now) that using the gelcaps could aid in digestion by getting the further down in the digestive tract (ie past the stomach).

      Either way, the taste is a WHOLE LOT better when using the gelcaps than using juice/water. :)

      Take care,

  5. Hi. Been researching for my dad because he might have Prostate Cancer. I read your story & I just wanted to say that I pray you get healed by what you're doing. Also side note: I encourage you to look into an alkaline based diet. Cancer grows on an acidic diet & can't grow on an alkaline based one. The only bottles of water tested on ph strips that are alkaline are Fiji & Evian & nothing else. I've tested them myself & there's a video of a kid testing all of the popular water co brands & they all came up acidic but those 2. I know people that have healed themselves of cancer by eating mostly raw foods. Also if you already haven't read it I think you'd really like the book "Positive Imaging," by Norman Vincent Peale. He's a man of faith & has a handful of stories based on people successfully manifesting what they powerfully prayed for & visualized. It's pretty awesome. I hope your numbers come out awesome & you are healed!! "Therefore I tell you, all the things you pray for & ask for, believe that you have received them, & you Will have them." Many Blessings!

  6. Hi. Been researching for my dad because he might have Prostate Cancer. I read your story & I just wanted to say that I pray you get healed by what you're doing. Also side note: I encourage you to look into an alkaline based diet. Cancer grows on an acidic diet & can't grow on an alkaline based one. The only bottles of water tested on ph strips that are alkaline are Fiji & Evian & nothing else. I've tested them myself & there's a video of a kid testing all of the popular water co brands & they all came up acidic but those 2. I know people that have healed themselves of cancer by eating mostly raw foods. Also if you already haven't read it I think you'd really like the book "Positive Imaging," by Norman Vincent Peale. He's a man of faith & has a handful of stories based on people successfully manifesting what they powerfully prayed for & visualized. It's pretty awesome. I hope your numbers come out awesome & you are healed!! "Therefore I tell you, all the things you pray for & ask for, believe that you have received them, & you Will have them." Many Blessings!

  7. Hi Sunny,
    Thanks for stopping by, and if he does end up with Prostate Cancer, I pray that he has the great "natural" results that I'm getting. God has been good to me, and he has blessed my efforts and belief!

    Funny you should mention it, but I just did add Alkaline water back to my regimen, since my previous test in January. I was looking back at my PSA history, and noticed that I had hit 1.64 at one time, and was trying to recall what I was doing differently back then. The water is all I could think of, so I added it back.

    I drink Perfect Water, 1 bottle daily when I first get up ( I've been approached by a friend about a Kangen Water system, but I'm not yet convinced that it's worth what he wants for it.

    I've read 'The Power of Positive Thinking' and loved it. Might need to pick it back up again.

    Good luck with your Dad's diagnosis! I'll add him to my prayer list. BTW, check out my post about 3T MRI imaging to look for cancer. Whatever you do, don't let him get talked into a blind biopsy. A 3T guided biopsy gets much more targeted samples with which to diagnose his condition.

    Be blessed,

  8. How can I get the perfect water?

  9. Hello,

    The Perfect Drinking water is sold through distributors by the Amway Corporation. If you'd like to learn more about becoming a customer, please contact me at

    Be blessed,

  10. Hi Tom, just wondering how are you doing...I don't see any posts since Nov28, 2016. Do you continue your routine?

    1. Hi Rob. Hopefully you'll be notified of this, and accept my apologies for the late reply. I'm still practicing Active Surveillance. My PSA levels have risen lately, and my MRI indicates the tumor has grown slightly. I've "ramped up" my efforts to keep my body healthy, as I had gotten a little complacent and slacked off a bit. Right now I'm waiting to get a new PSA test, which should be in a few months if the COVID19 situation doesn't cause any delays.

      Hope this finds you well!

      Be Blessed,


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